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To enable us to provide you the best service, we request you to email us your inquiry to with the following important details:

  • Date of Event - as there are only limited spot available in 2015

  • Number of Serves - this will determine the number of tiers and the dimensions of your cake.


  • Budget - so as to design you a work of art to suit your specific details. *Please note we are unable to respond to an inquiry if the budget is not stated.

  • Any other information that will help us with a design concept – such as invitation, colours,
    theme or bridal gown/ material, will be helpful


Or alternatively use the contact form on this page.


We are located in Balga (NOR), Perth, Western Australia



IMPORTANT : Unfortunately copyright laws prevent us from creating character cakes you and your little ones love. However we are more than happy to custom design incorporating elements of these characters, creating works of art by thinking “outside the box”. This design will be Unique - designed just for you!


Email us details such as the invitations you're sending out to the guests, the birthday outfit (he or she) will be wearing. The colours used for decorations etc.  Also let us know his or her interests, books, band, games or any details that would help us create an amazing cake for you.


* Cakes priced from $ 200 onwards.

Name *

Email *



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